Bringing Urban Farming to the Classroom and One More

Urban farming has been all the rage lately and I am a big fan of this new trend.  In our area, we have shops solely dedicated to this idea.  You can build a chicken coop in your backyard and house many different types of chickens that will lay fresh eggs at an alarming rate.

Here is an example of a backyard chicken coop.  They have a little house in the corner and a nice big play area where they can develop their chicken social skills.  It’s basically an independent chicken education center.

chicken coop

We were lucky enough to have some chicks visit.  They were as squirrely as any toddler but they were also fun and furry and were tolerant of being handled.


I found out you have  to be “all in” when committing to housing chickens in your backyard. They need ongoing care and live in the house until they are old enough to survive in their outside coop.  I think it’s worth the effort and a good first step toward sustainable living.  Some schools allow outdoor chicken coops and this is a wonderful way for children to learn about empathy and responsibility in a fun and educational way.

Because chickens weren’t enough, we also had a visit from Hedgy our favorite Hedgehog.  He wasn’t as tolerate as the chickens!


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